Positive Ways to Maintain a Healthy FWB Relationship

Many of my friends around hookup finders told me that their FWB relationships were beginning to lose control, not as they initially expected. I'm not surprised, because I know that although this NSA relationship is simple, like other dating relationships, it requires two people to do a good job. Making rules and abiding by them is the key to a successful and long-term FWB relationship. But many of them ignore the importance of rules, or they think it's embarrassing to talk about rules with their own FWB. But my advice to you is that you should not only make rules, but also make them as early as possible.

1. Make rules as early as possible

For an NSA relationship, this is a prerequisite for a successful relationship and the first thing you need to do to pursue a casual sexual relationship. In order to prevent one of you from trying to change the relationship or get more out of it, you need to set a knowing policy for the relationship at the beginning. The rules here include not only what you want from the relationship, but also what you don't want your partner to do. These rules can guide the direction of your quick flirt relationship and make sure you think the same.

2. Keep looking for what you want

Your NSA relationship should be one that makes you feel relaxed. It should give you the power to pursue what you want. You don't have to worry about sex anymore, you don't have to waste time thinking about how to please your girlfriend, and that damned responsibility and commitment. All in all, this relationship should be open and free. When you find that you've given up more and better options for your FWB or refused to talk to other members of the opposite sex, that's a sign that things are getting worse. You should not be bound by this relationship. Instead, you should give yourself more choices.

3. Ensure the safety of sexual behavior

This advice applies to any dating relationship. Whether you're in an FWB relationship, a one night stand, or a romantic dating relationship, you need to ensure the safety of your sex. Yes, you don't hear me wrong. Even in a serious dating relationship, you should have safe sex, unless you are planning to get married, let alone in this casual sex relationship. Accidental pregnancy will not only cause serious harm to your body, but also seriously affect your work and life.

4. Don't force your FWB to upgrade this relationship

There are two best results of a FWB relationship: one is that neither of you has any emotional entanglement, you can end the relationship correctly and continue to maintain your friendship; the other is that both of you like each other and can successfully upgrade the relationship. But when you start falling in love with your friend, but he doesn't have the same idea, don't force him or her to enter into a romantic relationship with you. If you do, even if you achieve your goal, your relationship will not last.